Lack of Images on this Forum

Seems to me that there is a lack of pictures, gifs, and videos posted on this forum. Surely not nearly as many as there used to be on CamCaps. Well at least up until people got mad at me and took their ball into a members only club. There’s a few of the worker :honeybee:’s that post a few here and there, but nothing like they used to. Wonder why that is? Surely they want to bolster VHTV and get more people engaged here to please the boss. But, take them aside, why don’t more people here post images? Perhaps they don’t know how. @VHTV_James you should stickie post a tutorial on how to post images on the forum and include a VHTV watermark for people to use if necessary. I don’t think you can rely on your staff to do it anymore.

Plus, does no one know how to make gifs anymore?

Come on guys, get to work.

Lets Go Reaction GIF

More than enough gifs ,emo s etc I have no problems or limits so far.

Nah, it’s lame. In this forum knowledge is power and there’s too many, let’s call them people, who like to keep that power close to their chest. They aren’t giving it away for free as you might expect. It’s pride that’s fucking with them and that in turn fucks over everyone else. We get scraps here.

They have a limit for 4mb. Ain’t gonna work with video and gif. Not everyone want to use third party aps. Maybe ask next time why before always complaining about everything Felix.

Damn! Now i want to know what you deleted. Ha ha! Either way the image posting is lacking.

Ha Ha. Why don’t you post some?

And maybe check the Amelie & Lucas topic now. Don’t think lack of caps.

A tutorial wouldn’t be a bad idea, no reason it couldn’t be a feature either, I’m pretty sure html5 can handle taking screenshots and recording short clips with watermarks. Not sure if it’s really necessary though, it is nice to see what people are on about I gues

Just thinking that myself…loads of them on there!!