Ksu & Nikita

Could be possible but how many have we said that about before. Can you name them?

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There is no bathroom cam just a shower cam with a very bad angle. And it is obvious here there is an outside area they do not show:

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And there is a balcony without cam coverage too:

And another place to go outside where are no cams:

For me the biggest enigma is why they are showing the stairs to the other floors but nothing from them actually floors :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


Yesterday they start realmā€¦ didnā€™t unpack their thingsā€¦ n u start complaining about cams n allā€¦let them settle firstā€¦.! :smirk:


I think this is a very small but high some kind of cheap wooden hut?

You can see on cam14 the things from cam6. As there is no more entrance visible in the bedroom I assume the stairs on cam14 leading to the bedroomā€¦

Cams 13 and Cam12 are most likely connected to each other too. This means the livingroom is in first floor and the kitchen and the hall on the ground levelā€¦

But cam coverage is really bad. With so many areas not covered by cams will be playing hide and seek. If there is not an amazing outside area the whole place is very bad.

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There seems to be also no dining area. The had breakfast in the entrance hall where the washing machine and the heating is locatedā€¦ :stuck_out_tongue: :thinking:

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Yes, i think you are right, i havenā€™t made the connections as good as you did. Definitely a massive downgrade from the previous place which IMO was the best looking Realm


maybe there is a possibility that there are cameras that have not been opened yet? Just asking :thinking:

Yes was a very nice apartment. And they had a guest room there too. Unless it is somewhere in the blindspots this is missing here too.
Big downgrade.

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Let them settleā€¦ā€¦ they will add cams and fix viewsā€¦! But no u just start to create fuss about realmsā€¦! and behave like u donā€™t know anythingā€¦! Donā€™t worry so called jab ur time will comeā€¦

I checked in the operators panel where I can see also cams not listed but already installed. And there are no more cams there as we have here. So no this will be not the case.

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So fake ID @LeoLorenzo is here and doing facepalm on my comments ! :joy::joy:

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I asked support about the problems and they said they will try to clarify and fix:

  • No bathroom cam / bad shower cam angle
  • Blinspots inside
  • Blindspots outside
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someone is talking to himself; and let him stay that way, heā€™ll surely realize how stupid he is one day :rofl:

Yeaā€¦. Fake ID talk this wayā€¦.:joy::joy:

yes, we can understand how stupid he is from this sentence :crazy_face:

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I know u r fake ID and @VHTV_James should check on thisā€¦.!