Emily left the project on 2021-09-10 → Name got removed
Kira left the project on 2021-10-13
Emily left the project on 2021-09-10 → Name got removed
Kira left the project on 2021-10-13
this Apartment was so much better when they used to have guests like Ilka and Sam and Alan and Ada and have sex parties it seems now its becoming the same repeat every day
Do I just see it that way or have others already noticed that Emily is hot on Beverly? There have already been many approaches, but she has not really dared yet. Also right now in the livestream both sit close together again.
And I had high hopes they are really gone
She has created a mood here a few times and has always been very permissive.
Emily gone on her vacay.
Emily and Kira
You need a strong, cocky man to please you two, some kind of change is required
Kira, you used to love the cock, what happened now???
I miss Derek, he used to be visiting all the time. Haven’t seen him in ages, hope he’s OK, I’d love to see him visit again.
He visited not to long ago (1 month maybe or not even that). He was with a new girl and if not a visual mistake on my part with married rings
Edit: here
It is best to visit them alan
They both enjoy it and their big cock nice guy
Thanks for this . I missed it at the time.
Some hot stuff goes down in Kira & Emily’s apartment yet there doesn’t seem to be a thread of them. Check out 08-18-2021 around 05:30
It’s here:
Well somebody has to like it I guess
Apologies, thanks for letting me know
She must be doing something right as she has seen off dozens of other Apt’s over the last 3 or 4 years.Do you know if she has moved cities because I would have thought we might have had the odd visit from Alan,Nina,Serena or even George¡!!!.