Welcome Kingston, Jayce
So who is who here one looks like they come from Mongolia and mugged a sheep for a hat, the other one looks like they come from Disneyland and I’m not sure about the other two.
But nice to see another place on here.

Any bets on a gay realm @David we need your gaydar
Not gay.
Kingston on right, Jayce on left.
Girl will be regular guest and maybe join later: Name - Jainah
I will still rely on @David gaydar senses as they look like potential candidates. <----- Hmmm, is that sterotyping? Oops
I dig their style. Especially the guy sitting next to the bear. And the bear.
look like the klitchko brothers
Welcome, got to love hat wearing indoors
Early days, but I am not too sure of the title of party house in Jabs picture above.
Looks more like my Grandma’s Wednesday night Whist drive.
Still as I said, early days.
You mean the parties will be as epic as annouced in Jordan & Morganas house?
Opening a place with guys only is pointless, unless they will be like Zack & Blonde.
Rapists who took advantage of girls? No thanks.
I see no specific ‘gayness’ (at the moment)…
‘Camp as a row of tents’ (I love that phrase, even as a gay man) yes maybe but we’ll see…
What a phrase
Yes, it always makes me laugh when I hear it!!!
I’m talking about their ability to pick up new girls, not whether they raped one of them. Nobody wants that, so don’t get excited. These two gentlemen here probably won’t be able to have many girls.
Welcome Kingston, Jayce