Kids/Parents Quiz

Which VHTV participants (couple) became pregnant during their time on VHTV? (preferably in chronological order)

Which VHTV participants came back later as participants (not as guests) and were also honoured in the flat name? (preferably in chronological order)

There are no prizes other than the glory of knowledge and fun.

Anna, Stephie, Goldie, Queen, Inga… There is one more but i won’t name (she’s on cams now ) :slightly_smiling_face:

I don’t really understand the second question, it is not very clear (participants who left and came back ? )

After the birth of the child, participants returned as guests (short visit) and participants returned with their own flats.

By the way, not only one lady was forgotten and the partners were not named either.

Well, i haven’t named the partners as they’re not the ones to become pregnant :crazy_face: :rofl:

But if you want to: Alex & Anna, Scott & Stephie, Stiffler & Goldie, Wayne & Queen, Aderyn & Inga. The other couple i still won’t name… This is all that i know and lazy to do research

As for the second question, the first three returned, well, excepting Stiffler…

A couple still post regularly in the forum with news, you have forgotten that.

There are of course other women who got pregnant and were forgotten.

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Damn, you’re right. Finley & Francesca. Shame on me :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

If you hadn’t thought of it, I would have given you the ultimate additional tip, which would be: . The man also had sex with two of the (now) mothers you mentioned.

I just remembered another couple: Nina & Kira

June & Jaro, Funny, Mika & Layne

Just to add to the ones already named

There are still some missing, but as a tip the next easy person.

The woman lives with a woman.

Edit: John has just found out.

I just said Nina & Kira or there’s more ?

Lilka & Jakar

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Alex & Lina

Wait a minute, this is about all the (ex) participants that have kids ? I understood that it is about the ones that were also pregnant on cams, otherwise, how on earth are we supposed to know ?

I think he meant pregnant

It is about the VHTV participants who became pregnant during the VHTV period.

You can’t know anything else and many participants had children and did VHTV as a job. I wouldn’t count them.

But you can still put the people in order and who came back afterwards.

I understood, but if some didn’t stayed on cams while noticeable pregnant, how on earth are we supposed to know ?

We cannot know about abortions / miscarriages, etc.

That Stiffler & Goldie have separated and Stiffler is now raising the child we also ‘only’ learnt from Goldie.

We also don’t know whether Stephie had the child.

Stephie was not mentioned so far I guess

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Oh, that’s not what i meant. I meant that if they got pregnant during their Vhtv time, but didn’t stayed until the belly was big enough to be noticed, it is very hard ( or impossible) for us to know. So i only counted the very clear and obvious ones