@Kevin u didn’t gave my answer…?
It seems you don’t know s__t of what’s happening behind closed doors. You only know AFTER the fact
For your information: what ever encyclopedia you want to hide behind
Bottom line:
In Law enf___ement and justice, no consent is r__e.
find me a virgin girl even if only guest that I give you 100.000 €, don’t make fun of us
A good looking girl albeit saddened by her profession.
sorry for my ignorance but in this site are all the porn stars, or what profession are you talking about? looking at the various apartments it seems to me there are quiet girls, thanks for the reply
If you are referring to my post, I was referring to a visiting prostitute last night. As far as I am aware the key players normally here are not ‘professionals.’
Are you guys coming back tonight?
It would be better if they did not wear underwear whilst having sex.
I have said this once and i`ve been accused of trying to direct them
Kevin - camera in bathroom is messed up.
@Kevin where are my lovely guests…?
55 posts were merged into an existing topic: Discussion about Gender identity
does it work now?
Yes. Is D coming tonight? Is Bart coming - I hope not!
I’m glad you enjoy our “discussions”. I enjoy them too. It’s fun to be always right!