
Marry Scott?
Do you think it’s a desired c___d or an accident?

Where there was female sex between H&B, S. kicked her out when she wanted to s___p.

Now she has not been allowed into her room for several hours, but Scott still wants to determine what is done downstairs.

Scott should be careful not to make more women pregnant!

I think he’s having sex with Harper for the 3rd time, right?
1x in bed, once in the bathroom (if you could call it sex) and today.

It is a great misfortune to fall into scott’s net in huge russia

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Tell Scott not me, I am not the one going to be paying c___d maintenance :rofl:

Ben thinks soup makes you strong for sex. I have to try.

Did you see him crush a few Viagra tablets in the soup, that might help :upside_down_face:

Some women are looking for someone to take care of them. Whereby this is meant here financially.

I think Scott can’t believe he’s allowed to fuck Harper.

Goodness knows, I guess only Scott and Steph can answer that one.

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But in all seriousness if the kids here want to have unprotected sex and if the not on birth control, I feel sorry for people that feel the need to do that. I am not sure if the health service in that country give away condoms but surely they could afford condoms.

Medea wants affection, tenderness and attention. Whether from Golo or Ben.

This is a report:

Russian women, who are now around 50 years old, know how to have an abortion: they have had an average of between eight and ten abortions. Abortion is still considered a means of birth control in Russia today. In 2016, 700,000 pregnancies were terminated – out of around two million births. Up to the 22nd week of pregnancy, abortions are legal in Russia with minor restrictions, often taking place until the seventh month.

I read about that but would have thought in todays modern society things would have changed.

thats ben not scott

I don’t think you need Scott’s permission, there’s already a masquerade ball upstairs and her fake faces.

We men can pull out in time. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Well, sometimes we are too horny :shushing_face: , lazy or realize it too late. Mistakes just happen.

Then there’s just some creampy …

Do you think Stifler or Scott have thought about it.

Had prescribed me

Will this carnival above last a lifetime?

A lifetime?!

This evening will not end until Harper is satisfied! Whether Scott can do that is another question.

I think Scott was so taken with the moaning at the time that he would love to get her to do it or as loud as Lyla was back then.

For some unknown reason Ben seems reluctant to have sex with the girls that stay in the house (Lyla, Medea) but he has no reservations when it comes to girls that visit, for one day, Issa, Inez and Ingrid who didn’t really stay but visited a few times

they are for scott only (they are exclusive to scott)