
VH doesn’t do anything about it, Scott so I once heard should not have an apartment anymore. Then it became Ben’s apartment. Later this name.

As long as money flows, everything will remain the same. But you won’t find passion like Cooper here.

Agree, no passion, no feelings, just another transaction.

Yes, mission accomplished

that’s all for money only… (masks included :smirk:)

was the same for Sabrina. He could probably get away with m____r
and the next day he would be back. he’s been abusive as well.
but does seem to get what he wants. for a few years now!

The masks are for him. He even made her cover her tattoos in bathroom so nobody can recognize him with her. Just pathetic. :man_facepalming: :poop:

I’m glad she left, there is so much better out there for her, she is such a babe!

I wouldn’t be surprised if one of these days the police blitz :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: (I’m kidding…)

In German there is a saying: Which corpses in the cellar he knows from the powerful at VH.

The closer he gets to Harper…i am afraid it could happen to Steph :frowning:

Hope Medea doesn’t freshen up for Scott now.

Nah Medea is in the upper circle…

Will Medea be the next one ?

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Nope. Read above.

third try

Ben tries some dry exercises…

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So often he has not tried it even with S.

Harper also looks very sharp, I hope she gets money for her trading.

Pregnant girlfriend waits downstairs until she is allowed into the matrimonial bed.

They’re not married, so technically not a matrimonial bed just yet, but we get what you mean :+1:

Sheph does not want to get pregnant again and have twins so happy to have Scott do it with others. :rofl: