
I hear you. So answer my question. Who else can I watch?

There used to be a few places where parties happened. Kazantip may not be very good, but it’s the only place I can find where there is still something that resembles parties. If you have found something better, please tell we, I want to check them out.

@jabbath1987 Do you still think that house Scott was talking about over half a year ago will still happen? I am starting to doubt it, as there have been no indication of it yet. Anna & Alex have been disappointing. Nothing new has opened in ages. The Teletubbies were a failure. And now they have recycled Elaine. Not really impressive.

Scott is so unreliable. It can happen or it can’t happen…

Maybe A&A soon will have something new… or not… :wink:

And we may or may not live to see it.

They can start by kick out all of their sub-managers that are living on site

Yeah who the fuck allowed Elaine back in for gods sake duhhhh

Sad but have too say D&K or K&B but they seem to play games as well
Scott just needs too mix it up more.was fun when he had D&D
Bc they brought a lot of action. Harper and Bailey are beauties
But just a place too hang out. I wanna see Harper get laid :heart_eyes:

And why should they do that?

Using your words they aren’t capable to provide good things to VH in the last months.

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When you mean Stifler and Sergio I agree…

And Scott and Henry (that fucks and then employ)

Hey how can you say that, a lovely thing happened and a c___d was conceived :rofl:

I think vhtv is just desperate for tenants. I would say those 2 +7 kids @Bono place will
Be next :frowning:

Well he didn’t keep doing after it… Seems that is the trick (put their guests pregnants) to stop :grin: Oh wait, didn’t work with Scott :sunglasses:

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Damn unfortunately I was correct more +7 the nude house…
such poor decisions by vhtv.

He heard from one of his buddies that his cock going in and out repeatedly bouncing off the head could be bad for the kids brain. :money_mouth_face:

You can like Mira & Henry or not. They are the only ones from Anna & Alex crew not sitting on their lazy asses the last months…

Am not particulary a Henry fan but they run their apartment nights well with their guests, nothing is rushed and it either plays out or not.:+1:

You totally know that’s not the point on his work methods but well … i got it :wink:

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Talking about the creepy hands when he is unlucky one day he might get a kick in the nuts when it is the wrong girl :wink: :joy:

:rofl: Nahh don’t think so, i expect they are well sussed out beforehand as to their likes and dislikes.