
I think he’s feeling the pressure of being a f____r. :rofl:

Damn Jabbs i thought you would go with that line again. :rofl: :rofl:

Everytime it gets too predictable. And who says Stephie is pregnant? :rofl: Maybe he is the f____r of somebody different?

Close but no—

On Thursday:

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I hope you are not trying to suggest this is Benjamin & Lyla, when we know its Nikol & Talon!

I wonder if they will visit again?

I hope so.

Not if they have any sense :rofl:


bandicam 2021-10-18 02-03-03-023

That was all clickbait. Ben having his friend come over just too get views
Very sad :cry: …this place needs too close…See Scott looking like he’s hitchhiking
When he dances is all we get from this poor place… oh I forgot it’s real lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Easy and honest question. Wich other places do you suggest watching? If I like parties?

Tbh no parties has happened Since Mellisa and all them groups are gone
This place all your gonna get is teasing dancing and twister .even guys playing
Twister haha. This place seems weird all these hotties come here and the guys
Act if they don’t exist …that’s not normal…all just clickbait by Scott & Ben
Same with stif. The teasers are back and Lyla will cuddle with Ben
And Scott will have sex with Steph . @ed2 just don’t call this parties
Just a hangout for kindergartners :frowning: and maybe a couple will come and fuck
And not come back. Which was set-up by the boss!

Folks the dancing will start in 15 minutes…get those tickets before they sell out haha :stuck_out_tongue:

Still waiting for that much anticipated dancing

Was it announced? :joy:

There it is in black and white, I paid X 150€ for my ticket.

Ah that guy is a big scammer. I know him too well :joy: :joy: :joy:


But his profile photo makes him look so honest.