
Wait for the @jabbath1987 participant it will blow your mind :rofl:

I don’t think you’re supposed to tag Kaya in this topic without good reason, especially if you’re making jokes. I could be wrong, but you might want to go back up and read what VHTV said.




What good reason would you want then pal? :laughing:
I am sure the real one will take it in all good humour :+1:
You may be better asking why the management even choose that participant name in the first place.

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I’m not asking for anything. VHTV is. I would urge you to read what VHTV and Kaya have already said about this.

Loved your first line response :+1: :laughing:

As far as being confusing i don’t think so really as they are both completely different.
After all you are @kaya and the participant is @KayaEyes.
Sorry to be serious for a change :laughing:

Definitely wouldn’t mind having same breasts, and overall she looks very hot. But I though you don’t really like tattoes? :thinking:


Welcome to the party, you are only 3 days late with the same jokes. Anyway they altered the participants name as it was originally just Kaya.

Probably, our dear friend Rob got stuck in that area and didn’t notice the tattoos (yet). :crazy_face::blush::innocent:

But there can only ever be one Kaya.
the mask GIF

There Can Be Only One Highlander GIF


Will the real Kaya please stand up :joy: :crazy_face: Eminem voice :point_down:

slim shady eminem GIF

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you beat me to that well played sir :rofl::rofl:

Thank you :joy:

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You are right i don’t, but they seem only on the top of each leg and half an arm so not all over her body and the rest of her seemed to over ride those objections :heart_eyes:
As you say though nice breasts, nice and perky eh, jealousy will get you nowhere hun :laughing:

Yeah well some of us do have other things to do other than perv on these poor unsuspecting innocent people :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
By the way you knowledgeable pair who is who out of the two girls?
I am assuming that kayaeyes is the one with the yellow hair eh :laughing:

Now @VHTV_James post almost identical pictures where one would do :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Surtout ne changĂ©e rien. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, les cadeaux de la nature n’ont pas de prix , je vous adore . Alors Merci .

 ne change"z" . :face_with_monocle:

If only there was a place on this site to check who is who! :thinking:

Here is a clue


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