
By the way, electricity is cheaper in houses without gas (where electricity is used for cooking).

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Sergio is backā€¦ :joy: :rofl:

Like a b___dy bad penny always turning up :rofl:

Like a flea.

ghostbusters GIF

Really? :joy: :upside_down_face:

Must be true itā€™s on twitter. :rofl:

I ainā€™t staying awake for that mess!
Golden Girls Rose GIF by TV Land

Letā€™s save some time and VHTV can just switch off the apartment now before the v_______ns begin. :rofl:

Teresa arrived? :joy:

Yep just go with my last comment then this will save them fines.

Teresa, Katia and the guy looking like Kais (Kristas fuckbuddy) brother are there now.

katia is resident in name only lol

Now the older rather ugly tattooed guy arrived. Katia seems to be friends with him.

Is that the local heavy gang to shift the squatters hes built like the provebial s__t house :rofl:

Robert Deniro No GIF by NETFLIX

:loudspeaker: Operator? Yes, Um where is the party?

Phone Call Dallas GIF by Texas Archive of the Moving Image

Just logged on, have the squatters been kicked out then :roll_eyes:

Over 30 Apartments and ainā€™t s__t going down!

No one on the forums so must be an exciting night then :joy:

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You were too early pal, check the time line for 4.20 approx in the bedroom. :+1: