
This is Hilarious.
Louis Armstrong Lol GIF by The Ed Sullivan Show

She s___ps with all lights onā€¦ Maybe she is afraid of monsters who live under the bed?

I get worse the later it gets (vino ) SorrYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

I donā€™t believe you would think that @Dave27 would ever be rude. :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Well upon reflection you are quite right, i must control my inner thoughts more :rofl:

I confirm your last sentence :rofl: But seriously, generally the women are all very clean and hygene concious they are always showering, many before sex and after, itā€™s just some of the guys that are dirty bastards :rofl:

I could never be rude to someone I hold in such high esteemšŸ˜

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I could :innocent: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Iā€™d love to see the electricity bill for that flat. The TV in the living room looks as if it has been on standby since all the guests left, and even them itā€™s never off. All the lights have been on nonstop. And since she has been alone, sheā€™s either been as___p or on the phone nonstop. Hate to say it, but she needs healthy hobbies. For me, total turnoff just to see somebody lay around and do nothing. In other apartments, they at least play games, do are, play cards, studyā€¦

Candy red is very similar

She at least plays with herself from time to time. And I canā€™t remember, but I think she saved some electricity too.

But definitely some healthy hobbies are needed in more than one apartment.

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At least Rejolda (spelling?) played the ukelele and sangā€¦

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Yes it was painful to the ears :smiley:

Bastard :rofl: (sorry have to make it up to 10 characters at least,fucking stupid rule)

Better than painful to the eyes ā€¦

I have you no i have a daddy you mon :rofl:grel

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Fuck me,read that and nearly fell off my fucking chair :rofl:

Youā€™re lucky :rofl:

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Maybe his wife is behind him asking whoā€™s your Daddy now bitch. :rofl:

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