Karolina & Adam

And rename this one to E & M i’m sure. :heart:

When they rename it I will do it…

They joined the project 6 weeks ago.
Very short passage.

Does someone know the reason why they left?

Because she was a miserable cow :rofl:

But they need re jigging those living room cams as they are crap views and i have lost my fucking binoculars :rofl:

I enjoyed watching Karolina quite a lot a few weeks ago :yum: :laughing:

Do M&A prefer this new one than the previous one?

She was quite good months ago but she has just been going through the motions recently, just no interest there.

In UTC+7 it’s a true game of musical chairs…

look like real couples are leaving project :disappointed_relieved: and more pornstars are taking over and joining projects… :neutral_face:

Well the +7 places people are sometimes a couple and sometimes not. :rofl:

But it sad that karolina left…:cry: I hope someday they will back… :melting_face:

yeah karolina has left 2 or 3 times and keeps on returning lol

I hope in a return of Adam with his friend…

Hope this time she is gone for good :rofl:

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Who do you consider as pornstars?

Not exclusive from +7 :joy:

You think Karolina & Adam are a real couple?? :face_with_monocle: She wouldn’t even kiss him on the mouth… :see_no_evil: :joy:

A bit like my Kidney Stones… :joy:

And just as irritating eh :rofl: