Karolina & Adam


These 2 are always the same. They play or fuck and guest guy jerk’s off. At least make it interesting with a soft threesome. I miss the old Karolina.

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Now, let the feast begin :smile:

Montana & Eva are back visiting always good to see the girls

She’s having fun you can see (not), what a nasty woman she is

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He’s getting angry, come on Adam…

Works both ways hes just as miserable as her

Then they have found each other, dream couple!

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Yeah both miserable together even their sex none enjoy it strange couple

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Did Montana and Eva join Karolina or did they only visit her?

They are only visiting……

they will be their until relocation is resolved

Whether they need another apartment, why they left the previous one (realm87)?

So flint and flame could have an apartment

Of course, but by leaving their apartment to F&F, M&E no longer have one.

We are going in circles.

Well guess what, today is a lucky day. Snip and Snap arrived at this realm :grin:,
now we can enjoy watching the two of the most pretiest girls on the site again.

Would be nice if they stay for a while here now until they have an own appartment again.

At least they have a huge kitchentable now to make some sex at :rofl:

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Looks like Montana was heavily cleaning and I see boxes packed. So may they will be taking over this realm.

Well Montana’s moving her stuff in, in the bedroom.
Living room cams are too far away though.

Karolina and Adam have left the project not like they will be missed they did nothing hopefully Montana and Eva take over this apartment

Lol didn’t they leave the project before and came back again? They are like two fucking boomerangs :rofl:
But I agree nobody will miss them.

I will archive that one :wink: