always reliable apartment
More like she would be disappointed and say is that it?
Pay the tattoo??
I’m feeling sad…. one more hot women is going to leave project…. I can’t believe they are leaving project…. Thanx belle for your hot entertainment…. Will miss u…
I hope u will come back again….
Where does it say they left?
Twitter 7 sec ago that they are leaving…
Jorgen & Belle are leaving our project.
Wish them all the best #voyeurweb
I notice them take the photo yesterday, but I’m surprised it was a picture for the living the project post.
Okay. Will move them to archives.
I will particularly miss you Belle You undoubtedly give the hottest massages i have ever had , whoops, seen. And particularly the early days some of those parties were quite spectacular. And Jorgen contributed somefine athleticism with a coyple of really attractive girls. Good Luck . Hope everything goes well for you both.
Great shame they are leaving - always an entertaining appt. I wish them well!
This is very sad news indeed. They were so natural, controlled and cool. I will miss this apartment as much as I wonder what made them decide to leave?
Too bad. Good luck Belle !
Well that’s two of my favorites gone now. Bella and Belle.
Well, Another reason not to renew after my time is over.