Jorgen & Belle

I don’t understand a word of Russian. Is she now officially engaged?


carsten is a jealous cock blocking he keeps trying to follow belle and that guy.


Usually involves a ring not a bracelet or whatever it is?

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She just clamed him. Added him to her harem. :joy: :rofl:

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He didn’t gave up. A painful compromis to get rid of him?


Maybe Carsten is getting too old ?

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Noelle made a run for it because she was too exhausted by fucking him most of yesterday :joy:

so he went after belle :joy:


belle is pissed off on carsten… :sweat_smile: :rofl: she is saying go fuck her dont come near me again…

she is always pissed off at him she mad because he is ruining her after school specials with those young boys :joy:

he kept tricking that guy to go smoke with him to stop belle from having sex with him then he tried to make his move on belle :joy:

she be abusing him :joy:

it’s a tracking device, so she knows where he is !

I guess it is safe to say Jorgen and Jonelle have split up :thinking:

Apart from that I see she is giving him a dick massage. I could be wrong but I think this is the massage where she uses her mouth a lot too. :crazy_face:


Isn’t that Belle?

Yes it is.

Princess Lay Me I see. :rofl:

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A themed session inspired by Star Wars :laughing: But as usual Belle is hot to trot :+1:

BTW this is Jonelle. I haven’t seen her back but then again I haven’t been on as much here lately. Jorgen was upset with her over something last weekend (I think it was) and she left in tears.



Yep looked like they have a miss understanding in the bedroom. She cried a few times and Jorgen paid no attention to her. So she left. I was hopping it was a small dust up but…

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I’m going to have to find me a Russian Massage Parlor in this area. Maybe they will even have a lady named Belle


Look who is back!


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