Jordan & Morgana

In the end, it’s all about the money. If the manager is not losing money with them, then that’s about it. They can also have other source of income an Vhtv to be just a little bit extra. There are many variants

Also, it doesn’t affect us in any what they do. We pay the exact same amount of money with or without them. If we were paying something specifically for this place, then yes, i can understand the disappointment. But we don’t, we get all the apartments for the money. Some are more active and some not. There are people who prefer this type of apartment

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Because no matter what anyone says. Each realm eventually goes into a routine of experiences. And when there’s something new (visits) it immediately grows in popularity. Well, maybe I’d buy you a hotel where you’re the black sea rum, so you’ll probably be here anyway, huh?

You are right, new people are always adding value to a place. In their specifical case, it’s not really easy to happen. They’re living in a different country. Much harder to make friends and even harder to bring them on cams. You watch Marianthi’s place. It is a similar situation. I am curious if they’re going to manage to bring a single person in visiting ( i mean a new ones, not Cheryl or Alleria).

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Well, who told them to go to BG for happiness in a zip code I know instead of a house I know? Unfortunately, I’m from the other side of Europe and I know where most of the participants in this project live in MO.

couple d’amie tout seul a l’appart et méme pas 1 petite baise hoho …

Did someone say that the guest guy and the lady visiting are partners?




This is kind of weird, they see each other only once in a while and nothing happens… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

They both likely have lower sex drives so its not always gonna be happening which also make sense since he only jerked off every once in a while when he was single and they seem well suited.

I don’t know what to say, it was said that Vixie is working so she’s visiting on her days off. Now, at their age and stage of relationship, after few days waiting to see each other, they suppose to be like rabbits all over the place :rofl: :rofl:

I read, and I don’t judge :rofl:

They seem so distant for partners - was she the girl he had sex with that one time? I thought it was another bird.

They are not really distant, there are a lot of cuddles, kisses and all the rest. Just the sex is missing :rofl:

Yes, she is the girl he had sex with that time

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I thought the sex stopped in marriage? :rofl:


There is in the archives when they had sex

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i wonder when jordan and margana will be back

I also wonder when they will be back

It’s like they did something the first night she came over and nothing after that

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Where have the main guys gone? Been missing all weekend.

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