Jirina (Part 1)

Koen does the same as Kostja, if nothing happens I will go home alone and leave Zoja behind :rofl: :joy:

Which girl you mean?

The one in the blue jeans…She looks familiar, but different.

I am not sure if I have seen her before.

She looks new to me.

@Jirina you once said we can ask you any questions and you would reply honestly

Can I ask you What happened last night that made I&K to have such a bad reaction from yesterday that they are still angry with each other

I would ask them but they are not on the @ list

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I haven’t seen her before or at least can’t remember :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

You could try @Indira

Doesn’t reply to any messages would be appreciated if she did

Как обычно бывает у многих пар - ревность .

Боюсь, что не так много зрителей поверят вашему объяснению.

Это юыло просьба Кости . Чтобы Индиру трахнули. Не надо на меня злиться. Мне все равно с кем кто потрахается. Главное чтобы это было по обоюдному согласию.

Who is Bone?? :bone: :thinking:

Where did you get bone from :question:

That’s what my browser translated what she said. :sweat_smile:

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This was Kostya’s request. To get Indira fucked. You don’t have to be angry with me. I don’t care who gets fucked. The main thing is that it was by mutual agreement.

You might want to slap your translator… :joy: :rofl:
As far as a Bone goes, J would probably like that if you are offering. :open_mouth:

:fire: :sweat_drops: :sweat_drops:

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Jealousy created through your manipulation again!

With comments like this I can really see why @Jirina is so motivated to answer all of the questions we ask her. :man_facepalming:t2: