Jirina (Part 1)

One of my all time favorites :smiley: :heart_eyes:

Back in the STIK apartment, I said Kostja was (pardon the language) “pussy whipped” and was down voted and face palmed. He is “pussy whipped”, period. Whatever she says goes, 
period. He just has to accept whatever she decides
 Think about it, whenever she wants Henri, he’s only too happy to accept it
 he may not be happy about it, but he goes along. Tonite he showed his anger, but relented
 Indira runs the show between the two, clear to see
 Indira 2.0 is not Indira 1.0. We’ll see where this goes

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I do like Indira 2.0. I do agree K is pussy whipped. He is c___dish and possesive. Last time around it was the opposite. I would not stand up for herself and what she wanted, cowered to him. Hope it all works out for them this time. I look forward to the future and to see how it works out.

@NotSeth So tell me why you don’t think he is not “pussy whipped”, all evidence points that way. Once again, you’re trying to be relevant

It’s all for show and to gain views. Just like when Indira teased and poked fun at the viewers for the pregnancy rumors. If you can’t see that I feel sorry for you.

yeah. they are playing same script in the parties for one year.

I don’t see that, but I believe to rejoin, Henry needed access to Indira from time to time, so they agreed, and since Kostja was participating it wasn’t just Henry takes indira into a bedroom while Kostja stayed in the living room. Tonight it appeared the jirina sex games caused a problem with them because it’s possible she wasn’t going to fuck or give any guys blowjobs, but he didn’t know because of the blindfolds, so he didn’t realise Mille blowing him was an issue. Since they never knew about the game, they never discussed the rules. Kostja was just upset, she was angry with him, for basically doing what everyone else was doing on that couch

kostja was in a no win citation last night once indira took off her blindfold and saw what was happening (kostja enjoying himself) her mood changed. i dont like the games jirina plays and last night she did signal to the young guy to fuck indira.

i feel the both of them were set-up last night to get a reaction and its the first time i have seen kostja so angry with indira.

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As you intimated , once again all down to Jirina.

Agreed, Jirina once again sets them up for conflict, and they were blind to it. The worst was Jirina telling Russel to fuck indira without asking her if that’s what she wanted

it was a set up, jarina then goes in the room and tells kostja.

situation not citation lol

thats predictatext lol

party time at Jirinas again

I am not watching Jirinas, but I see Koen and Zoja together again!

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Et pourtant Jirina n’a mĂȘme pĂąs eu le temps ( ou le courage ) de laver la vaisselle et vider l’évier !! :nauseated_face:

Jirina doesn’t seem to live there anymore, Artura and Stitch are the only occupants I have seen there recently!

Et portant elle Ă©tait bien lĂ  hier soir, et en maitresse de maison !
Et elle est encore lĂ  ce soir !

Is that a new guest girl in the dark top?