Jirina (Part 1)

She has no audience, take away Artura and there’s nothing

Isn’t that the point? Artura seems to be drifting towards Indira lately!


Where did kostja go

This looks like a setup of some kind M&H took K to S, and left I at J’s, Why?

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Either giving Kostja the bad news or just discussing it further.

Maybe Shana leaves to take care of personal issues and I&K move in there.

Or maybe K&I are no longer a couple

They are…but Mira/Jirina doesn’t want them in their own apartment. Maybe they want Indira to play without Kostja and vice-versa to prove that they will. Not the best move they could make I am sure…if that were the case then H should be with I and K with M.

Mira , Henry and Kostja on the way.

Indira is wearing her fishnet, so I guess she was planning to take her pants off.

Maybe still is!!


Did he drop them off at home

black stockings… white stockings…


That trip to shana’s for Henry, Mira and Kostja has me intrigued about why

C’est dommage ! :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Taking care of your kids perhaps eh :roll_eyes:

Kostja and indira don’t seem upset tonight with H&M, so who knows what their status is