No here too
@VHTV_James cam 12 Jirina
No I am quite sure this cam is broken. Needs replacement.
Pretty sure the CMOS sensor is RIP
cam12 is disab__d
Well watching it was pretty much pointless…
As I said, I did put a ticket in anyways.
bad cards, I’m a good player:smirk:
we’ll check, thank you for noticing
Oh we do not mind when you lose
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Yes either them or VH i think, we only choose the guests names, unless someone knows something different.
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Нет я непокинула проект.по семейным обстоятельствам я немного редко нахожусь тут.
The jungle drums tell me that I&K’s bid to rejoin VHTV has been vetoed…I wonder if we will see them tonight?
What does that even mean
I am not going to spell it out.
Jirina is terrified that she will lose her audience to I&K!
Then why show up again like tonight
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