Lets all just say it’s all a right cock up
looks like Indira apartment searching lol
whos kitchen is she looking at?
Trying to find where theres some life i expect
these look like places that would be for rent or buy if you follow her on her computer
He probably has a secret. With whom he probably writes.
To quote that we would need a camera on the window-wall in the kitchen, to show how much space
between fridge and kitchendoor.
When Indira and Kostja had kitchen-sex, I think it didn’t look like Indira leaning against the fridge,
I think there is some space between the fridge and the door.
When Indira walks back from the fridge to the kitchen counter, it also looks like that.
The perspective of the hallway cam tmo does not allow to quote the length.
Indication can be the light reflection on the bedroomwall in the hall, that comes from the mirror in the wardrobe.
Just my opinion.
Also I don’t see any access-point to a hidden room.
I just see the two blind-spots between bathroom-door and kitchen ie GBR.
plus the space for the laundrywaher and toilet in the bathroom.
Why should they be? These floor plans are only a rough sketch made to position cameras. they are not Architect’s plans.
Hopefully they are going to get their own realm, not before fucking time
When yesterday Kostja squirted all over Indira’s titts, took some Photos ( he is too long near Jirina )
like he did quite sometimes lately, had her wipe the cum all over the titties, causing her to wash her
entire chest,
the term " rubbing it in " got a new meaning.
Well that blows the pregnant theory mentioned a while back right out of the water then. As soon as my wife fell pregnant there was no issue with Cumming inside her, what’s going to happen? It’s not as if she can get pregnant while she is pregnant.
Did your wife also have an infection or some other vaginal issue?
And some women don’t like the “slime” in them, so they avoid i.e. request to avoid it if possible.
Not that it couldn’t happen occasionally in the heat of the battle.
No, why, has Indira? I didn’t read that above.
Since a while she seems to have a medical issue that causes “leaking” and she got medication,
which was an issue why they don’t have sex with vaginal penetration since a couple of days,
even before the pregnancy theory came up.
That is why Kostja is on the waking (at times with Indira’s support), and blowjob business.
My bad, in all honesty I don’t visit this realms forum page that often. I am not a great lover of all the controlling that goes on in this realm.
She’s using protection now. It could be vaginal discharge, menstruation or both. But she continues to press her breasts with her hands.
She may have some thing else going on down there right now. Thus the Medication and more BJ and HJ than normal. Just a thought. Opps I see this was already said.