JGrim & Goanshee

Welcome JGrim & Goanshee


Are they new?Are they back after a long hiatus? Do you know who is who??

Yes. No. No.

That’s what I like about you jabbs, a wealth of knowledge :thinking: :rofl: :rofl:

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Gossip and off topic posts aka the :poop:-hole


Seems the name of the place is wrong…

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Oh just noticed who it is :angry: Oh well I’m out of here :wave: :wave:

The other one is Charlice? :roll_eyes:

Name got changed

I will pass on this realm

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I think there is some error with the time zone, it shows +3 GMT and it is after 23


en voilà deux belles têtes de vainqueurs ! :rofl: c’est tout ce que VHTV a réussi à déterrer?
Nous allons de plus en plus vers la qualité du produit… :expressionless:

tiens, tiens, de vieilles connaissances…

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Damn… When first I saw her I tought Bella is back… but it wasn’t her … (but she looked like her from behind) :cry:

It will be corrected. Already reported.

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Seems she has a nice ass :stuck_out_tongue:

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Name of the cat is Simba :heart_eyes_cat: