Is the Leaderboard ranking system flawed?

Kade is amazing and I have no doubts he will remain the same when the leaderboard is gone. I will make a poll and see how people will vote.


one thing about kade is his knowledge and ability to remember all things VHTV . he should be a moments operator or a leader but alas now that james as departed i dont think there will be an oppotunity to promote him ,well not at least till some of the other M,O s have departed this forum permanantly

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I have been uploading and still uploading pictures 14 hours a day This will be good for me to stop Pictures in order to watch the Live like I did for the last 6 years I have no problem and I will vote Yes


the problem is not yours but vhtv’s that you become a leader even if you only put 10,000 likes in various posts and that’s the wrong thing…

you should NEVER let another member influence you into making a decision , any decision you make should be on your own merit , we all have our own ideas on how things should be , but thats all they are ideas , and if you want to agree with them ,then do so , but if you dont just tell them to go fuck themselves
Schitts Creek Comedy GIF by CBC


But I’ll tell you the truth to be somewhere you have to have a motive It wasn’t just a game for me because i was like pictures it was good for VHTV also…

only your continuous of these emoticons that lead you to be a leader kate I post everyday twice as many photos of you including videos and yet there is n leader if vhtv or kaya explain to us according to them how this leader thing works it would be better…

There you go. Happy voting :wink:

I have no intention of being a leader because my English is not good enough as for the posts you can see how much I did in a Year
honestly I like you because my mother is from Sicily half Greek half Italian I don’t know why You don’t like me I never bother any one here …

PS However I appreciate that you tell me publicly and don’t hide your feelings I didn’t fear those people they are better than those who don’t tell you but slap you in the back

I didn’t write that I don’t like you, I just wrote that you can become a community leader just by liking every post…

…says the person who wrote to me recently and complained that I used a section of one of “his” pictures to assign a name to a face without mentioning his name as the ‘author’ and praising and glorifying him…

love it !!! you came in like a wrecking ball
tenor (7)


Of course I did too if I took your picture how would you feel… You should tell me thanks to because you got over 25 likes
The Forum can have any of my pictures but not the Members with out put my name & that I call Respect for others

I don’t care about the likes… I needed a picture to go with the name, that’s all.

Sorry that you might have lost points on the leaderboard because of this… NOT

Kade is amazing when it comes to noticing details here and there, plus the names and such stuff. I don`t even reach him to his knees. He beats me easily. I just have to bend over and surrender to his abilities. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

bend over and surrender ? you will open yourself up for anal invasion
Cracking Up Lol GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon


we are ONE community here, not competitors!
or at least we should be.
this damn leaderboard brings likes for the sake of likes and spams pictures for the sake of spamming pictures. the quality suffers from the quantity. and sorry to say this, eros, but you are (was) not only the leader of the leaderboard, but in my opinion also the leader of the spamming rankings

I care zero for the leaderboard. I care truly like FFS to put it that way. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

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btw: my current green223243-statistics…


they have also used photos of me but I don’t care as long as they republish them without writing negative notes…whoever wants even if they are not many photos can republish them without problems.

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