Get rid of the leaderboard

This is a poll if we should get rid of the leaderboard here?

In my opinion it does not bring any good things to the forums:

  • Notifactions are cluttered up because some users like posts which are ancient just to get points by liking posts
  • People do posts just to get points for likes or for making the post itself
  • The whole leaderboard has no benefit at all. Being on top has as much advantage as being on the bottom

All this leads to a worse readability and worse user experience:

So now I want your opinion if you are also in favor for getting rid of the leaderboard:

Get rid of the leaderboard?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
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let’s hope that vhtv appreciates this evaluation among us users… :muscle:

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wont happen , VHTV cant stand peer pressure , any ideas have to come from them otherwise there ignored :wink: :wink:

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I know you are right but I always hope inside my brain… :pray:

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Well we need a significant number of voters so the result has some meaning


let’s hope it works…(although I don’t see us going anywhere)…

We have to do it in a way that VHTV thinks they had decided.

“Dear VHTV, we know that this dirty old leaderboard has always been a pain in the butt for you, but you kept it up to service us to the best possible. With a bleeding heart, the community has now decided, that we will miss it a lot, but we are ready now to give it up, to save you a lot of time and effort.” :laughing: :laughing:


Could actually work…