
Still very unfortunate banning a participant due to banters between managers. Shouldn’t the customers satisfaction (Everybody liked Inga) stand above such internals? Internals are there to get solved internally and not showing up to the outside.

This seems everything but professional to me. It shows an image of the company to the outside you normally do not want.

So my request: Stop the banters and find a solution in favor of the viewers. Viewers do not care if manager A has struggles with manager B. They just want to see the apartment and because of that internal banters (Which should stay internal and never show to the outside) get deprived of seeing it or her (Inga)

[quote=“JonR, post:201, topic:30735”]
inga belongs to flora and co, ceres to henry and co., separate groups that never actually mix.

Lol Jon, you said many funny things now, but this is for winning the first place. :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

blame it on unfortunate wording and poor translation. but at the end of the day it’s not really wrong. there isn’t usually much contact between the groups because they are actually separated from each other regionally. here there is now an exceptional situation due to the proximity to each other and contacts are made. but with inga we’ll see how that ends now

I’m sure judgement of Solomon can still be avoided if two m____rs manage to compromise for users sake

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… if it didn’t always fail because one m____r didn’t begrudge the other the success …
and the c___d is always the victim

They are all adults there. So somebody has to get the two partys together and talk to find a solution in favor of the viewers and in favor of Inga.

And there has to be a change in the whole process. It shows a bad company image already if this internal conflicts show up to the outside but it is basically the worst case if it also influences customer experience in a bad way (In that way no longer seeing the apartment or Inga)

There are conflicts in every company. But they need to get solved internally.

The whole process needs a change. Less power to managers. And like in every company the most important rule should be that the customers experience ALWAYS has priority over anything else.

Why not? I just said we wouldn’t mind if Inga reappears with former management, new management if it’s resolved peacefully, or any other manager too.

I agree with you in part. i see us here as the ‘costumers’, but you mustn’t forget to raise the interests of the residents to at least the same level. WE keep the show running, but without THEM it wouldn’t even exist

That is the status quo now (Apartment offline / No Inga). We can no longer see her because of internal conflicts viewers do not care about and should never be influenced by.

As of right now this is done as unprofessional as possible. (Internals got public / customers are in disadvantage)

Not your fault I am sure of course :wink:

Sure it is unaccaptable for Inga too who is now a pawn in the hands of the two managers.

Very well said @jabbath1987. We are the paying customers, surely our voice should be heard, but clearly not.

With all respect to viewers, we and other tenants are the ones who take risks in case of escalation.

Inga can still try with her former managers or different ones but playing fairly this time. Current ban means combo Henry + Inga wasn’t allowed because they tried to trick everyone. But we may gladly reconsider for different tandem :woman_shrugging:

so let me gauge this correctly, Inga’s manager doesn’t want her appearing in other realms, in this case the one managed by Henry? How long does her contract run for?

This seems needlessly convoluted

All cards already on the table. I’ve even said too much, unfortuntately, you are asking for internal details.

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anyway, or because of that, thank you. too seldom we get to see how the show is running (in this special case). but many decisions become clearer if we know at least a few chunks of information

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I do not deny that. Still should be solved internally. And not influence the experience of viewers and make Inga a pawn in the hand of the powerful

That is what I say is unprofessional. Grown up adults need to always resolve things like that internally in favor of the customers.

@kaya you said at the outset Inga was banned to appear on VHTV and it seems her ban is due to conflicts between managers Henry and Flora. Now Inga is managed by Flora and if she appeared in Flora’s apartment is she still violating your rules?

Earlier encounters with them showed maybe forever. (Not possible to get out of it at all)
As I said it shows the company in a bad image if they take a place offline and ban participants because of internal conflicts.

No Timmy, it’s not right. What you see now it’s simply one team fighting the other team. Nothing to do with Inga. Kaya stated perfectly that she can easily return at any time