
Oh yeah, if it’s an apartment where that goes on AND they have any of those hidden spots, I tend to not watch those apartments at all. At least Inga’s whole apartment was in view. And, some of those poses were interesting :yum:

she did pussy cam, had sex with different people, guests and parties yet even that was not enough. These days the girls have to be “working” 24/7 to keep their place and no off days like inga had.

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Oh! I thought that was a video replay!

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Yes, agreed, I liked her very much :s___py:

A post was merged into an existing topic: Ceres

Hi friends,
Unfortunately, Inga can’t appear in any of our places anymore due to all of this. Let us know if still happens, it will be considered as a rule v_______n

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Vegas has an apartment for very long time, also Tonk, Mustafa, Momo…

I’m totally confused at what is going on here. Why can’t the beautiful Inga appear on VHTV? What rules did she v_____e? You don’t have to be mad to watch VHTV, but it helps!:joy:

what happened with inga?

inga only made one mistake: concluded a contract with the wrong manager (this does not mean VH! but the manager of her apartment).
and now that the apartment has been taken over by another manager (henry), and another person is also making money with it, they refer to their contract and forbid her to appear in favor of someone else
By the way: These are the same managers, thanks to which Yan, Otto and Lola can no longer be seen

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wait henry is the manager of ceres apartment?

maybe that was the reason this apartment went offline earlier for personal reasons :thinking:

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is already above: yes

Well I do not know anything about that. BUT if it is true it is very worrying. Banning a well liked participant who never did anything wrong and allowing others who tried to stab people with scissors and used pepper spray on them to continue on the site…???


what all apartments does henry manage?

and if someone asks how I got it: observations, very simple.
who is a frequent guest of whom, and is an offshoot of whom (@_____en_desperado , that could also answer your question…).
inga belongs to flora and co, ceres to henry and co., separate groups that never actually mix. and if it does, there will be trouble. mostly to the detriment of the people under the control of flora’s managers

Well I already said plenty about them in the past but everybody should know and can read what I think about them.

I can’t fully agree with you. Fighting over a tenant wasn’t really necessary and could also be avoided if anybody would ever bother at least informing others in advance. Hoping nobody notices is not the smartest option :upside_down_face:

This all sounds so strange. Like surely these contracts have time limits or exit/release clauses. And who is enf_____g these contracts? Weird stuff

fighting is never necessary, that’s true. but what happens when some people use their power here shows that it can’t always be avoided. and the victims/culprits are rarely the people we see on a daily basis
but yeah, the move was…too obvious

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they went offline for personal reasons now i can see why.

henry got his hands in everything