Improvement idea for the wiki

sometimes it annoys me when names are mentioned in a topic that you don’t automatically have a face for. That’s what the wiki is for, but that’s in a completely different topic that you have to switch to

I would prefer it if the wiki for the respective apartment could be displayed as a drop-down menu in the header of the topic, next to the realm number…

(just a representative example with the residents, of course everyone knows who wendy is :wink: but sometimes there are several names)

maybe there is a possibility for that?

There’s definitely nothing which we can do using core functionality here.
We may consider estimating the development costs for this particular feature, but no due dates, no promises.

too bad… and thank you at the same time. maybe it will be realizable at some point

It would be even better to somehow embed it into the main site. Via mouse over when you select a realm in the list on the left. I guess this is even more complicated :stuck_out_tongue: :innocent:

Actually a nice idea by @JonR . :+1:

But you can also help yourself in other ways if you don’t want to leave the thread and still want to check the wiki by simply opening a new tab in your browser and going to the wiki… :wink: