It’s impossible to tell on VHTV. you have to live there, you have to watch them, you have to have fun with them, but this way you will understand their difference and feature from the others.

happy new year to all vhtv team and residents


I mean, ‘love’ is a bit strong :smiley: but I deeply appreciate having a site to visit that caters to an incredibly niche market, has a decent amount of content, a reactive, accessible and vocal management, and perhaps as importantly a user community that I can rely on to point me to the action I missed and enjoy a little banter with and who (at least so far) haven’t strung me up for my weird sense of humour and obsession with Spetzcat from Kazantip (I tell you, it’s plotting!). Lastly, although sometimes we all wish the participants would shag on demand, I think many of us including myself appreciate being able to be witness to their everyday lives, particularly holiday seasons and parties. Half the fun is guessing what will happen next, following people around the cams, the will they/won’t they (the cats). It’s almost like reliving my teen days sometimes, and at it’s best it’s just like watching a favourite soap opera. That is why I love VHTV. :camera_flash: :camera_flash: :camera_flash:

p.s. I’d like to also shout out to @jabbath1987 who did an excellent job on the history of VHTV and I hope he continues to maintain the thread for those of us who weren’t around for all that time. I wouldn’t have known to check out certain archives if not for that thread!


Very well put I agree with all you have written (well all except the obsession with Spetzcat from Kazantip :joy:)
Episode 1 Applause GIF by Friends

Ah you’re only saying that because it’s controlling you right now, I SEE YOU, DARK LORD :smiley: :smiling_imp: :smiley_cat:

Spetzcat has accomplices. The plot is real, man. . :smirk_cat: :pouting_cat: :smiley_cat:

I really enjoy the range - the variety of people involved and been able to see all these participants involved - and engage with whatever they’re getting up to.
It’s such a niche interest and I’m very glad to be able to find a site like this. There’s some others about but I come back here because of the authenticity of it. It tends to not feel like people are performing here, there’s something a lot more naturalistic about the people here. There’s plenty of places for camgirls, but nowhere else like this.

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I love VH TV because It is a way for me to escape my own problems, to feel a little less alone & be distracted from all the things I just don’t want to feel.


I like VHTV and have stuck to only them for many reasons. An abundance of apartments, so there is a lot of choice. The flexibility of payment options. Fast and responsive customer service. They’ve never banned me, lol. The twitter guy comes up with some hilarious stuff (still laughing at Zoi and Tim listed as the fat and the furious). And of course, they’ve got the best voyeur experience where you can see all parts of an amazingly beautiful women’s everyday life, from the boring playing on the phone for hours, farting, being silly with their bf, and the spicy action packed bits of life too. Sometimes there are some unnatural playing to the camera, but then I’d just pick a different apartment.

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I like VHTV because it´s something different, fresh and natural. I love it.


I love vhtv because hands down they are the best they make you feel like you are live with tens to people while you are sitting on you couch which helps alot specially in theis times of lockdown

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I love VHTV because it “does what it says on the tin” better than anybody else. Sure, there is sometimes inactivity - but isn’t that Real Life and in the main it shows people doing what people do! I’d subscribe in a heartbeat were my pension higher! Long may you continue - and thanks

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hallo liebes 5Team ich bin nun auch schon etwas länger dabei und fast Täglich auf VHTV im großen und ganzen habt ihr eine gelungene 5Michung unter den Bewohnern zu der ich euch beglückwünschen möchte aber einige Bewohner sind doch für solch ein Format leider zu langweilig euer neues Nude Haus verspricht vom Namen her viele Nackte Körper aber selbst in der Saune sind die Personen in Unterwäsche wenn schon Nude Haus dann sollte auch für alle das Gebot des Nackt seins im Haus gelten für bewohner wie für Gäste .
Wünsche euch alles Gute zum Geburtstag und macht weiter so.
Gruß Jörg


eu sou suspeito p falar do vhtv, embora nao tenho no momento uma assinatura,eu sempro acompanho as transmissoes, no momento eu acho o apartamento otto e lola , sao os que mais agem de forma natural,ate com os vizitantes, por isso desejo que esta data perdure por muitos e muitos anos de vida, um projeto serio, com trabalho profissional e respeito com quem assina, so pode gerar muitos sucessos , parabens vhtv

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Thank you, everyone, for your kind words! I am personally overwhelmed by your feedback, and I am sure the whole team appreciates that. They saw and will be checking this “secret” cave to get our mood back up again after hard days at work, improving our service for you.

As a gratitude, please accept our small gifts for the first part of posts here. These were distributed randomly depending on your current subscription status.

  • Premium subscribers could get from 3 to 10 Free Premium days
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Many-many mentions with details of your rewards

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and as last for now, @Randal163814 gets +2 Standard days for FREE

Happy Putt Putt GIF by Rooster Teeth

P.S. By becoming Standard member for some time, don’t miss a chance to make a vote at Birthday Apartment Poll :wink:

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Thank you very much and happy anniversary again :hugs:

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otto e lola migliore appartamento ? ma lei li mai visti otto e lola nel vecchio appartamento erano una coppia che amavo tantissimo facevano feste e invitavano amici quasi tutti i giorni…

Just came over after years of following one of the other sites. It’s been less than a week and this is leaps and bounds better. Happy Anniversary!!!


I have been following VHTV as a premium subscriber in different periods for about 3 years. You are unrivaled in the field of voyeur…It is very exciting to watch real lives simultaneously, to feel the same things and to breathe the same as those on camera.Thank you for your BEST SERVICE .Looking forward to seeing new models and rooms soon .

I love it because of your priority of delivering the product effective and fast. the support crew is always helpful, and the most important, I can see that they listen to me as a result of their actions. Their actions comply with my wishes. That is the most important aspect for a regular user