This November VHTV turns 5 Years. This is a huge achievement for us, for a multi-international team of people who believe in what they do, those who feel the immense support by our subscribers and those who value your feedback.
We are excited to jump into the next year of new ventures, product updates and exciting people (and pets, for sure) to stream and let the rest of the world feel the emotions we all come here for.
Our past birthdays taught us a lesson to keep the expectations from our valued customers, making sure we evaluate upcoming updates thoroughly before letting you know about those, that’s why we will leave those floating in the rumor dimension of our project, but letting you know once those are ready.
To set up a celebration mood here with all of you, let’s make a deal. You reply to the topic with a message on WHY YOU LOVE VHTV, and we give back some free subscription days for you. The amount of those is undefined and will be given away as we go with the topic, and this little “praise marathon” will be over on November 19, 2021 10:00 PM
Don’t limit yourself, don’t be shy. Want to pass a critique? Let yourself go and express it the way you like. Maybe you want to praise other viewers & forum members?
Here are some of awesome examples from previous birthdays’ wishes from our viewers. Maybe you will find yours among those
i love seeing people from all over the world in their daily life and being able to forget a little bit of this corona s__t what is now locking people up in their house
It is no longer only the possibility that you offer to see live the daily life of sexually uninhibited people but also the opportunity to comment, debate and joke in your forum with a lot of people from all over the world whom I do not know personally but who have been become “virtual friends”. Congratulations on your fifth anniversary and we hope we can celebrate many more all together.
С маленьким но все таки Юбилеем. Вы уже можно сказать взрослые, прошли большой путь от мысли к реализации этой мысли. Ваш проект очень интересный и уникальный, но нет границ совершенства и есть куда расти, больше интересных людей и больше интригующих камер. Желаю вам и всем нам, что бы никакие мировые невзгоды и катаклизмы не помешали радоваться и наслаждаться моментами жизни. Что бы каждый пришедший как в качестве жильца или гостя чувствовал чувствовал себя комфортно. Больше интересных идей и их реализации. Меньше грусти и больше веселья С Днем рождения!
P.S Был большим фанатом и Большого Брата и За Стеклом и Дома 2.
what i love about vhtv, is the way different couples interact with each other , it also a sense of realism, that tenants have a life, and they cant always caters to us viewers, it as real as it gets, amelia and lucas have hit high point recently, i have loads more to say, but to keep it short and simple congrats on the 5 year margin, lets hope vhtv will long contiune,
It’s not that I love it. I don’t support the types of activities and certain types of people on here. But I want to just see women on toilet cam. It’s just the being natural part I guess what I like. Also I would say kinda what je-moeder0546 said
I love VH TV because there is always something new to discover. Great tenants and a very very large archive make the offer unbeatable.You are the best!
Lo que me encanta de este proyecto, es que me hace sentir más desinhibido, perdí la vergüenza y me gusta sentirme libre con mi cuerpo y no tengo miedo a mostrarlo en una cultura como la de mi país donde la desnudez es muy mal vista, me hace hacerles entender que el sexo y el cuerpo es libre y no hay que avergonzarse de él si no disfrutar de el. Y que lo pueden ver incluso desde nuestras casas.
I like vhtv because there are many apartments of your choice of various kinds compared to other sites and the first to choose … (sorry english but i use google translate)
I love looking into the lives of all age groups, all body types and being a true voyeur. My phone at work runs on VHTV all day long and I glance at it every chance I get. I like seeing the good times and bad that everyday people have and realize they are just normal everyday people who , for profit or not, have chosen to share their lives with us. I look forward to many more years of membership and many more years of being a voyeur.
Als ich zu VHTV kam, dachte ich, das ist eine geile Pornoseite, wo es viel Sex für relativ wenig Geld gibt. Aber schon nach wenigen Wochen erkannte ich, dass diese Seite viel mehr ist. Je länger man die Teilnehmer beobachtet, umso mehr fühlt man sich dazugehörig.
Durch das Forum hat uns VHTV sogar ermöglicht, zumindest teilweise mit den Teilnehmern zu kommunizieren (z.B. KristyKrabs, Elon, Barbie). Es macht Spaß, mit den Forumsteilnehmern zu lästern, zu scherzen, sich zu unterhalten. Und auch die Kommunikation mit den VHTV-Mitarbeitern ist super. Man erfährt viele Dinge, die man ohne das Forum gar nicht mitbekommen hätte.
Es ist einfach toll, hier dazu zugehören.
I subscribed to this site about 2 yrs. ago and was really what I had been looking for. Real people do normal stuff well for the most part it has gotten kinda worst over time but hopefully it will change. I do like the different people being brought in as some of the particpants get old after awhile (not talking about age). Even though sometimes I get frustated with particpants I still keep my subscription going. Thank you for all you have done