I tried the standard 3 days

Cameras went out for almost 2 full days ! I would like go get monthly subscription but that was discouraging .

Will VHT try to make up for that and assist me with getting back days ?

That would be encouraging and make me consider going full membership !

FYI I created another email and did another 3 days just to give VHT the benefit of the doubt and it happen again .

Do you mean every camera on the site? If not What apartments where you watching? As there hasn’t been any downtime for the majority of the apartments in the last month or so for me

Not every camera , cooper room went down for a longtime , Mira and Henry went down when they had company over another room went down when they moved to bedroom to have fun ! Seems like it goes down when the fun about to start .

I started watching on this site around the beginning of October and had 2 accounts with 3 days trial and they both did the same thing .

Cooper and Carl apartment had problems originally it was the same for everyone they had problems with their ISP so the apartment was offline for a week or so.

That’s unfortunate then if that is your experience, I can assure you that cameras don’t do down when the fun starts and you can verify that yourself by looking at the video section (if cameras was constantly down there would be no footage)

Ok thanks for the feedback

Thanks for the feedback , I really want to watch these more but that discouraged me a little

Could you write about your problem to the support? They will definitely help.

Thank you …