I think they should allow some cams to be open for non premium members permanently

Some cams should be open to new members all the time regardless of any nudity and they should be free permanently

And how do you think the site can earn money? :see_no_evil:


there are cams already open all the time
 usually 2 cams in every house is free to non paying subscribers

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Und wie soll die Seite Geld verdienen, wenn neue Zuseher nichts sehen von den Teilnehmern, und somit nicht wissen, wofĂŒr sie ihr Geld ausgeben.
Man kauft nicht “Die Katze im Sack”.

Of course, you would say that not paying for anything.

that’s why there are open cams in each appartment :wink:

That’s a horrible idea it’s just fine the way it is
If you want to see the other cams in the apartments pay for a subscription and u can see everything
plain and simple

Das mag schon sein 
 Jedoch stellte ich heute zum Beispiel bei Alya fest, dass die Wohnzimmerkamera auf die Hall geĂ€ndert wurde. Jetzt sorgen die Teilnehmer dort ohnehin fĂŒr schreckliches Licht bei Veranstaltungen. Nun werden diese Zuseher noch weiter vom Geschehen gedrĂ€ngt. Somit wird diese Wohnung immer wertloser.

Seeing as you don’t pay for it how can you talk of worth, you get what you get for free, yet people will always want more and moan about it. Remember that the free cams are there to give people a little insight into the site and what it offers and there are more than enough of the free cams for that.

kinda like going to a sports stadium and standing outside and hearing the crowd noise and the annoucer. Makes you want to buy a tix and go in to see the Real action on the field. At least here you can actually see some of the action for free and hear the noise also. And if you search around some
 alot of the GOOD action takes place in front of the Free cams.

Ich war bereits Premium-Kunde, ich schlage allen Premiumbesitzern einmal vor, sich nicht im Account anzumelden und nur die freien Kameras zu nutzen. Seit ich VH kenne, wird es immer schlimmer damit.
Die freien Besucher werden immer mehr vom Geschehen gedrĂ€ngt, somit erwerben diese Abos und VH muss wieder Promo’s tĂ€tigen um wieder Accounts zu verkaufen. Und somit werden die Studio-Wohnungen immer mehr 
 Diese wachsen wie Pilze aus dem Boden 

You could try other similar sites and discover that the free cams are limited and the site is only open for a limited time before the cams are closed to non paying members. just enjoy what you can see on this site.

Ich sage nichts, gegen die Anzahl der Kameras, nur an der Platzierung dieser. Zudem nĂŒtzt es den freien Zusehern nichts, wenn die Teilnehmer vor diesen Kameras regelrecht flĂŒchten oder diese Kameras stĂ€ndig blockiert werden. Beispiele dafĂŒr gibt es wie Sand am Meer 

Das ist ja das, worauf ich hinaus möchte.
FĂŒr nicht zahlende Zuseher wird das immer weniger und immer mehr in schlechter BildqualitĂ€t. Dadurch werden keine Premium-Accounts verkauft.

Actually, there are more free cams open permanently at VHTV than at any other similar voyeur site - and many participants do appear naked or half-naked on the free cams, and quite a few of them also fuck and suck on the free cams as well. Some participants move about all over the house and have sex wherever it suits their fancy, you just have to be lucky to catch them if you’re not paying and can only see the free ones. I waited a month and watched the free cams to see what this site was all about, and I was not disappointed. At the time, there were 2 or 3 apartments where the female residents were naked virtually all the time (Barbie and Katia in particular, and Katerina at Dylan & Klara’s place), and that prompted me to give the site a one month trial. I’ve never been sorry or disappointed. I know it’s frustrating if you can’t afford the fee right now - I had to suspend membership for a few months while in a financial slump - but you are still able to access the Forum and catch up with what you missed through the video clips and photos people post there. If you can’t afford it on a continual basis, you can always suspend membership for a while like I did. But it isn’t fair to those of us who pay the premium rate - or to the participants themselves - to allow freeloaders to see everything for nothing. :thinking:


Contrary to that, membership is increasing, and I find all of these posts devoid of impartiality.

I had to suspend my acct as well for the last 3 months due to wife surgery and lack of money for bills. But Im a regular poster on the forum and enjoy what I can get for free.

Absolutely terrible idea

Perhaps we ‘payers’ should lobby VHTV to spend a bit of money and get some AI screens , which they could program to be open for everyone until there was 1 minute of flesh showing when it would automatically turn them off. That way the non payers could get a glimpse of what they are missing ?? LOL

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This is how I even decided to become a premium member.I gave it a test drive for several years.It was very hard to jack off to the small thumbs.lol :sweat_smile: