Why has she left the project? She was one of my favorites on this site. I think she should have her own place on the site.
Maybe someday. She’s been around a few times
I’m of the sort that she did enough and needs to create a meaningful life off cam.
Correct me if I’m wrong Amy but is Harley not Sergio and if so he’s squatting with Teresa at Katia realm not that there is anything too see.
It’s good to see you are keeping upto date with everything , I will try to explain it to you Sergio used the name Freddy during that period and Melissa used Harley as in Harley Quinn the comic book character.
Noo hiv ye got it numpty heed.

Is there a moose loose aboot this hoose? Sorry couldn’t resist!!!
A wiz jist testin ti see if yi wir pyin attenshin neebs.A ken thum aw.
Oh gosh oh golly I’m so embarrassed and devastated I won’t be able to show my face in public ever again.
Better get some traps or a decent pussy.
I have no words (other than the ones I have used here to make this comment)
You have hurt my heart, irreplaceable Melissa