Hudson & Hindy

I see they got miss nutty back around. She and hindy need to go run a marathon before coming home. Just to settle down for a while lol

to the methyl house

That’s methed up :face_with_spiral_eyes::laughing:

So are they. :upside_down_face:

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In the rare occasions that Hudson is wearing clothes, he looks quite normal.
He may well be a normal guy that puts up a show for us every night,
See how he is cooking here? Spaghetti. Nothing fancy but still. I never saw
Hindy cook. Or clean. Or do anything that looks like housekeeping. All she
does is bossing him, telling him what to do and look grumpy. Perhaps that is
just what he wants. He gets to fuck her every day. That makes up for all the
work he is doing around the house. I like him. I like this apartment. It certainly
is not boring.

HaHa! I think this is a great gesture. :heart: :heart:

Guests are visiting.

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Hindy, What an absolute bitch move. Guest guy trying to get involved and she told him to piss off and smacked his dick.
Guess she wants to be in control

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What a good party atmosphere.
Pity everyone prefers to chat on the negative houses. How about the positive things that are happening now.


best choice for party

Guest at H&H. Doesn’t look like she is going to get naked or anything but it would be nice don’t you think?

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Now what on earth are they watching on the telly?



Looks like they are being watched as they have sex :laughing:

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I do not see any peeping toms here.

More like a Tommete, look at the red wig with the cabinet

That’s just an optical illusion, wig hanging off shelf, I was looking al over, thought there might be a pet watching, but nada.

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Good images, beautiful

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