Hudson & Hindy

She seemed to have fever…

She was hot, the problem was that she was the only one. :laughing:

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Agree… She was really hot. But shy at the same time…

True, he had a problem with the cameras, he didn’t want to take off his bra … but it was super hot, if they had attacked him he would have given up for sure.

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Everyone lives out their fetish …

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Did she get a strap-on? :thinking:

I must of just missed the action here. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


You didn’t miss anything special. Once again Gaia was the one that didn’t want to go further.

These two need to make some new friends. Gaia is such a buzzk__l that it k__ls all excitement whenever her and her boyfriend show up.

Is Hudson manic?!?
I can’t think of any other neurosis that explains his actions.

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i think hes one can short of a six pack

Heck, I think he is operating on only 1 can. Notice how he is already a hunchback because he is always reaching down to play with his dick.

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only 1? I would have guessed 6 :rofl:

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Otto and Lola visiting :open_mouth:

Who is that guy sitting next to Lola? If it is Hudson, I don’t recognize him with clothes on.

I reckon they are their managers, arent they?

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