Henry (Part 3)

But it ain’t rhyming :joy:

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boss lady is here got to keep it on topic , as i was just about to take a detour :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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It’s not poetry,…


it’s magic

:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

Don’t honestly know why Chyna appears there, probably for the food, _____ and bath facilities :wink:

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it’s very popular nowadays unfortunately. might also be some kind of hokku, like…

fortress unconquered
Trisha’s red days and Alida’s new chance
all the paths lead to Gerda

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surely you know by now pretty faces pay the bills

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And then after that she most probably stays for around two hours and then kind of just magically disappears like Aladdin… :blush: :fire:

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like that one ?


:rofl: :joy: :rofl:


One could be that she is friends with some of the people around.

The other is what we call " decorative accessory "

And although she hasn’t ridden Henry or anybody under running cams,

you must admitt, she has some valuable assets.

So much about copying old shows.


Well it certainly ain’t on the straight and narrow one :joy:

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WHY does that pic remind me of a sushi bar ??? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


Here you at least get full currency for the invested money. Directly in form of nudity. Better than nothing… :joy: :joy:

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The guitar? :thinking: :thinking:

oh no, that’s Mariachi

Well at least it’s something to pluck, yes i did say pluck :rofl:

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Oops, I thought it’s plug :rofl: :rofl:

or was it plow?? :joy: :joy:

Nobody has plucked the plug at her until now at least so difficult to predict what happens. :joy: :joy:

The script from yesterday was started all over again. I really wouldn’t be surprised if Trisha turns up at the door at some point. :rofl: :laughing:

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Gerda left a while ago, is she gonna be back?

IS it only Henry who has had any food? :thinking: :joy:

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she is part of henrys merry go round , so think thats a big fat
Dr Steve Brule Yes GIF

or as they say every circus needs a clown :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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