Why do I have a gut feeing Mira saw what was said about age or someone else that is in contact with her and this is the reason she showed up. Now a wild guess in the dark…Henry never submitted age verification. And Mira showed up to ensure it was done. Not knowing the actual circumstances
You totally lost me now…
This girl look anything but not younger than the one at Henry. Not even close, lol. And i said compared with Henry…
I am 100% that there isn’t a single one in that place. In fact, i am 100% that there isn’t a single one on the whole site doing what henry does…lol
Practice early, has been the case many times
She left immediatly to check by herself that there was no risk.
Can I say…interesting to say the least.
andere länder,andere sitten,wo ist das problem
Ik zeg niet dat het goed is of fout is wat Henry aan het doen is , maar het is gewoon walgelijk om naar dat rijk te kijken op dit moment .
Gewoon Henry in de gaten houden en je weet genoeg
Mijn persoonlijke mening .
That’s a place with a very low risk my friend. Why do you think that most of Vhtv’s business is in that area ?
With Shelia gone and new Girl, the room gets interesting again
Why is there a black square exactly at that spot? Censorship is getting out of control!!!
John78 didn’t realize it was the roast you were talking about!
It’s the handle of the door, and the girls are trained to use it as a cover-up. That’s why sometimes the cams are off. Training hour.
You’re probably right, but if there’s a risk of going to jail for having sex with minors, it’s better to check twice.
And VHTV also asks that the site not be closed for broadcasting pedophile images