Ah thank you - I will bear it in mind when I go to Norway next Yes, copulate is a very polite noun in English - no slang or dirty connotations at all!
- Henry is zijn voorraad alcoholichedrank gaan ophalen .
- Of Henry is gaan kijken waar hij terug kan gaan profiteren .
- Je mag kiezen , maar mij interesseert het niet echt
Bij gebrek aan acoholiche drank en meiden die graag worden bepoteld door Henry .
Is hij maar in zijn bed gekropen
I see he’s back and straight to bed!
la jeune la trop sucer
Unbearable life… Huh… ?
Ze heeft er al de alcoholiche drank uitgezogen
you mean Evelyn, Yan’s partner?
That is exactly what I am wondering about. Which Evelyn is it? Is she a new one or is she one of those participants that already exists in the archive?
No, Evelyn (Carolyn’s friend).
There is a third Evelyn who was @ Elon, but this one is new.
She chose that name herself.
And the way she sucked Henry, I consider she has some experience.
Thank you. You answered my asking.
I just don’t understand why a common word is censored, yet showing a pic of someone getting screwed in the arse is acceptable. It’s just weird!
It is really not comprehendable. At all. I can write the norwegian word in full without getting censored. But I have to split up the english word a lcohol to avoid getting censored. Just not comprehendable.
I wrote d*rinking and was censored, whilst I guess the censor can not determine, if it is a glass off water, a cup of tea, or babble-water.
I don’t know what these people are smoking that are running this site, but I would like to try some.