Eventually the post was made and not completed, it may have been due to problems on the website in the last few days. But I’m not going to put anything else here in this realm again, about what I typed; Otherwise the forum police will remove what I type here, as they will say it is out of context.
There are wars going on in half of the world nowadays. At least that is the impression I get.
I didn’t have any problems here. I didn’t post much because of Thanksgiving. However, I don’t think I had any problems. I’ve been using Google Chrome lately and it’s much better.
ich glaube eher ,dass Mira ihr eigenes Reich bekommt?
A lot can happen, but I don’t think their relationship has any problems Seems they are in love again.
I am just trying to imagine what the comments on here will be if the next realm to open is Henry,Mira,Shelia!! …although judging by the looks that Shelia was giving Mira last night I can’t see that as a runner.
Henry bleibt in seinem Reich. Das beste wäre Mira & Debbie zusammen eiin Reich.
mira online in new apartment
was habe ich gesagt!
Ben eens benieuwd hoelang Henry’s rijk open zal blijven .
Want eerlijk , zie ik het niet goed zitten als Henry het alleen gaat openhouden .
Ik bedoel wie gaat netjes houden ?
Zal niet van Shelia komen denk ik , die kon het in haar eigen rijk niet
Alleen eten en drinken en veel praten zonder sex zo als met Pia het geval is
I am still waiting for Pias first time debut on cam. I would not bet on that happening quickly.
yes, I also wanna see more of Debbie!
she is soooo hotg
I was thinking that as well, But, why do I have a feeling Mira will still be spending plenty of time here at Henry’s. All she needs is say a tooth brush and a few things she can easily put into a small bag.
I’m sure she’s still co-manager of the other realms, just as before. So it benefits the 2 of them financially to keep her realm and his active. And as we all know Mira pulls in the views!
Only on CB if she if still there. Other than the time in the secret room with no cams in it we could only hear, but what we could hear was pretty obvious what was happening. But as they say “no pictures or video it didn’t happen”
I still have not seen Pia explicitly on camera. At this platform. That is the answer sheet for me so far for now.
…and it was claimed for a long time that there was no secret room.
nuevo apartamento MIRA
Well there was a secret room with no cam. That is for sure.