Henry (Part 3)

sans oublier l’alcool et la drogue !

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Mira & Henry


Above all, he should undergo an alxxhol detox programme

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Mira & Henry


Totally wrong. As you remember Henry was in hospital for some time lately and he did not get any giggle water there and he had no problems with that.

Thinking before accusing and calling somebody out to be addicted to giggle water is highly recommended :roll_eyes:


Ik ben geen dokter , maar je kan toch niet zeggen dat een persoon geen alcoholprobleem heeft wanneer hij meer dan 6 glazen per dag drinkt .
En vanaf je Henry ziet , bij manier van spreken staat hij met een fles of een glas drank in zijn hand .


Normally we should drink 8 glasses of water daily for our body & health

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That varies from person to person, someone can drink a glass or 2 and someone 6-10 with no problem

Water daar ben ik mee akkoord .
Maar bij Henry is het geen water :rofl:

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You do not know what is in that glasses… But I admit I do not follow this place 24/7 (Like you obviously do) as you know the exact number… :upside_down_face:

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Henry only feels water if he accidentally steps in it. Barefoot.


I do not follow any apartments 24/7 as of per now anymore. Lost a little bit of the general interest for that. :fire:

He is usually seen with a bottle in his hand. Now there’s a stocking around the bottle and you can’t see exactly what’s in it. But I don’t think he would do that for water or fizzy drinks.

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My little funny side kick guess is that those bottles only contains water. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


And the stocking is there to prevent the water from getting cold :wink: :laughing:


As you say, you have to think about what you see before you start railing against others , and I would add, don’t act in bad faith.
The puffiness of the face, as in the photo of our friend, is one of the characteristics of alxxxxlism.
Alxxxol has inflammatory effects on the body and the skin. It is a powerful vasodilator that acts very quickly on the small vessels of the face. Not to mention the high sugar content of alxxxxlic beverages, which increases blood glucose levels and prevents skin cells from regenerating properly. Swollen dark circles, a grey complexion, redness…. these are all minor inconveniences which, over time, leave visible marks on our face.

Cheers !


So you are doing diagnosis via camera… Interesting :upside_down_face:


Very interesting indeed

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