Henry (Part 3)

Kano is visiting today. Long time since last time. Still with a crutch! :hugs:


There is now a Jutta and Julia apartment!!!


I have seen him with one crutch the last 2-3 times I have seen him though. Hard for me to say what is the reason for it. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


He had two crutches when he “came back”. I have a feeling he came from the military! JMO :hugs:


he laid around and slept so much his legs and body is weak lol

We hadn’t seen him for a very long time before he showed up at Carolyn’s a while ago with a bad leg and a crutch or crutches. I suspect the injury was probably received during a “engagement” when he was away.

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or self inflicted so he didnt have to ??? possibility

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No I doubt that very much. Considering where he lives a self inflicted injury to avoid service he would no doubt have ended up in a very special and very cold area (not to mention an area in a country) if you know what I mean.


Henry is back from Carolyn’s! :sweat_smile: :hugs:


Mira is still beautiful with her new lips…how old is she??her ass needs a little excercise because of the gravity…its not mira’s ass 5 years ago…

I , for one , will not criticise any part of Mira’s body at this time.



Oui johnpaul, je dirais même que les seins de Mira sont encore plus victimes de la gravité. C’est le sort de toute personne qui prends de l’âge. Pour les femmes ce sont les seins, les fesses et les hanches. Pour les hommes ce sont le ventre qui devient plus volumineux, voir disgracieux. C’est la vie. Ça se saurait si nous arrivons à la vieillesse beau comme à 20 ans. Mais Mira reste une très belle femme. Séduisante et pleine de charme. Je l’adore. Longue vie à elle.


Where are they?
Did they leave both at the same time?

waiting mira’s bald man

Happen something to mira??because you said this time…i like mira’s flat ass…if she have bbl surgery will be the best of all…i dont know the cost of that surgery…


Very quiet stimulation then the “credit card company” came! :dog: :stuck_out_tongue: :heart_eyes:


She finally took off her panty


It’s the sedentary lifestyle and poor nutritional quality of the food in ‘rich’ countries that generates the production of fat. Take a look at the profile of Asian populations who have not yet adopted the lifestyles of the rich countries to see by yourself.

50 years ago, people walked and cycled, and schoolchildren walked to school. Today, people take their cars to go for a pee and eat fatty, sugary, ultra-processed foods full of pesticides and other craps. The only sport they do is vegging in front of a screen. How do you expect the body not to deteriorate faster than expected (obesity, disease, etc.).

This collapse of the breasts, buttocks and tummy is therefore not prohibitive at Mira’s age, provided that you lead a healthy lifestyle from childhood.