Henry (Part 3)

Isn’t uninhibited the opposite of shy?

Didnt you see how many times Henry physically beat Mira on camera or did you just join the site today. She had a right to leave. Why are you defending an abuser?


I’ve been following Henry since the beginning, I DONT AGREE ANY TYPE VIOLENCE, I also saw Mira push Henri, and I don’t understand the provocations…

Are you saying it was Mira’s fault that she was beaten by Henry? When you saw Mira being beaten by Henry dont you think she did the right thing for herself and left him. Then why now are you saying she is disrespecting Henry for being with someone else in front of him? He disrespected her by beating her on camera

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stop talking bollox , henry never beat her , he only slapped her when she got hysterical and started to attack gerda with a phone and the other time he pushed he and the coffee table came off worse ,and a couple of times where they pushed each other ,stop being a drama queen and getting your panties in a twist , FFS people like you are whats wrong in this world ,see the world through rose tinted glasses,Granted in western culture slapping a woman is construed as abuse but in some eastern cultures its acceptable and seeing as they are of eastern culture its accepted , remember we are watching there lives there rules there cultures not the other way round


Yes i agree Virgil you are right!!!


I’d hardly call VHTV a cultural exchange.

i was talking about the differing cultures on the topic of abuse , in the country where henry and mira are , there are no laws against domestic abuse , unless it crosses over into violent abuse and thats where we in the west have a clear and define line

but this is not the topic to continue this discussion , ,anyone intrested in looking up the laws , you know where henry and mira reside just go online and look it up , , its like many other things that are accepted or not accepted , my argument was to tell people not to blow things out of proportion just because certain actions are against your personal beliefs,

Is something wrong with you? Do you have the ability to comprehend what is being said. No one is speaking about their culture. If you go around slapping your wife/ girlfriend then that is not my problem but in the context in where the statement was made someone commenting Mira was disrespecting Henry for sleeping with someone else in front of him. I simple commented how can this be disrespect to Henry when (a) Henry sleeps with many women in front of her and (b) he physically assaults her in front of the whole world. People like you are exactly what is wrong with this world by coming on here and taking what is said out of context to suit your nonsensical narrative. I will ask again How can it be disrespect to Henry if Mira sleeps with a man in front of him when Henry sleeps with many other women in front of her and also Henry physically slaps her and that was one of the main reasons she left him. Did you not see her move out right after she got that slap? Stop acting like a buffoon if you cant understand what is being said

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Just because there aren’t any laws against it, doesn’t mean it’s ok. VHTV is a business, not a cultural exchange, and I’d assume most of their customers are western, where violence against both men and women is not accepted. Fuck their culture!

I don’t know anything about this Mira/Henry thing, so I’m speaking in general.

But I agree, let’s just leave it at that.


Did you not see Mira leave after the slap? If it did not affect her then wouldnt she have stayed ?

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ill say no more , and leave you to your hyperactive hormones :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Lol, you are right :rofl:

With my faster than brain fingers I should write inhibited.

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Didnt you see Mira leave right after she got slapped. That dont have anything to do with the laws of the land. Its simply what she is willing to accept or not. Its if she personally feels disrespected or not. Use you common sense and stop acting like a simp

sam winchester yawn GIF


Je suis Henry et Mira depuis le début et leur tout premier appartement. Il est vrai qu’ils ont baissé avec toutes les personnes qui passé chez eux. Mais depuis 2 ans Henry est devenu plus violent. L’alcool sans doute. Mais je constate qu’il ont du mal à vivre l’un sans l’autre, même si ça ne peut pas durer très longtemps. Ils s’attirent et se rejettent aussitôt. C’est une forme de relation affective peu commune. Se désirer, coucher avec d’autres et revenir se blottir l’un contre l’autre. Un amour pas très ordinaire.

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i think some people forget what this site is all about . 75% of these participants are promiscuous young people and that is what we want to see , appartments like carla and marla are there if you dont like to see that sort of actiion , most people want to see couples fucking everything that moves , but its these appartments that are the backbone of VHTV ,