That was at least 2 or 3 years ago
It was in the time when Indira and Kostja were in realm 48, so you’re probably right.
Ютта, вы прекрасная женщина.
Не позволяйте алкоголю уничтожить вас
Попросите помощи, чтобы перестать пить так много…
What I meant by translation
Jutta you are a beautiful woman
Don’t let ■■■■■■■ destroy you
Ask for help to stop ■■■■■■■■ so much…
12 hours of boredom
When Jutta finds a permanent gentleman friend , that will give all of Henry’s harem a place to live and a warm body to sleep with…and allow Henry to ride off into the sunset.
Julia and Henry??? Shelia I believe.
They are all there. Juan was also with Julie at Henry and Jutta’s if I remember correctly!
Juan and Jutta are going out with Snoopy. Jutta puts on a backpack. Out shopping for “food” on the trip?
…a beautiful new look!!
Felix, Koen and the girl from recently.
I wonder if she is the one that Felix had with him in old TJIK-times, who never did nothing.
I really hope I’m mistaken, but Mira appears to be with a guy that has just tried to force himself upon Jutta to the point that she was in tears trying to push him off. I really thought Mira would have a better choice in man.