A bit strange that we haven’t seen Sibilla since she moved! I don’t have the feeling that there was any bad atmosphere between them. Maybe moved too far away!
What are the chances of Koen and Jutta getting together??
I think they are good friends so it will be “friends with benefits” in that case. But we never know!
Jutta likes a man to show that he wants , a lot, a lot fuck her…
In the end she gives in to desire
In one case he tried for two days
It can obviousy take some time before the ultimate desire hits Jackpot Bingo. There is some tension going on from time to time between Jutta and Henry. I agree with what you are saying.
Koen só pressionava Mira, e por norma recebia um “não”
He presented his personal interest in her quite often. She just refused him normally.
The redhead is named Gevorg upon own request, according to jabbath.
so stated in Carolyn realm.
Camera 10 has parted company with the wall
someone touched something and you can’t see anything anymore
When I discovered VHTV, Mira and Henry were the dream couple. Maybe they still are. It’s just that both of them have developed different interests in the meantime. Time just makes changes.
Nevertheless, it’s nice to see these two together again from time to time.

Indeed! And what would be really nice is if Mira came back in some way
Is that Henry’s friend or Is that Mira’s new partner? Looks very much like the guy that never come in the apartment but helped her move out.
I think the topic, with a return of Mira. We can actually close it. Because Mira and Henry have each taken two different paths.
Both seem to be happy with their lives as they are now. At least that’s how I would interpret it.
I still think it’s great that they visit each other. Because although they are no longer a couple, they still appreciate each other.
Because of everything of the stuff you are mentioning in your last post here, I genuinely hope that Mira still will be a part of this as she is suppose to. She still belongs in here I think. Absolutely.
Of course, Mira will always be a part of VHTV, as she was an essential part of this event for a very long time. That’s why it’s good to see her only as a visitor, even if Mira only picks up Snoopy