IMO, and I’m definitely no medical expert, Gerda seems to exhibit symptoms similar to a manic depressive… bouncing like a rubber ball one minute, and crying a flood of tears the next.
Where’s Gerda? Have the men in white coats collected her then? Free board and lodgings
She crawled out to the smoking zone.
Oh yeah, didn’t look out there
As I’m only a fee cammer I can’t see her. She could be p________t out there for all I know
Another melt down looks like
Well then, it must be that Henry isn’t paying attention to her. Seems to me (especially when _____ing) she needs constant attention and approval.
Constant meds more like
Well we remember when she had that “pharmacy” bag. I’m 100% sure if she is taking meds for a psychological condition it sure isn’t helping with the amount of a_____l she consumes .
Have a feeling Henry may very possibly get some from Trisha again.
Henry and especially Trisha seem to take it funny, that Gerda is so desperate.
To me it looks very humiliating.
After Trisha left to the grey room, Henry at least looked after Gerda and put a blanket over her. Earlier he was about to pull the string out of Trisha’s snatch.
I guess whatever they do, or have already done, will happen in the grey room.
Last night I thought it was bad, because Gerda is used, today it feels worse, because Henry has a partner to go on.
personally I’m not going to criticize but Gerda is a really unstable girl she laughs and 2 seconds later she starts to cry
[ What you call obviousness is your subjective perception of things.
As long as you keep it to yourself, it’s legitimate. But as soon as you post them publicly in the forum, it is an insult to Gerda and Henry.
That’s probably why your post was flagged the other day.
It has nothing to do with denying anything you write, it just has to do with decency not to offend anyone. ]
A comment on a show is only offensive to its participants if it does not reflect the image they send and the subjectivity of the discourse is equal to that of the image.
As for talking about indecency on a voyeurism site, isn’t that a little inappropriate and in the name of who or what else than their own subjectivity do the guardians of the temple authorize themselves to censor a comment ? This is true indecency !
Just act accordingly to the rules and everything is okay.
Obviously not always that easy to stick to the rules. I should know something about that. After all I have formerly five flaggings on me. Can`t remember the last flagging now though. That is hopefully a good thing.