A very popular garment. Even though it is not the very nicest stuff I know about.
When Wendy is in this flat, this realm immediately shines in a completely different light.
Great woman!
I’m of a torn mind about this. While Wendy definitely classes up this joint, this joint also degrades her. Shoud I be happy to see her, or sad to see her always return to this place? In an ideal world we’d see her in her own apartment again.
That it would be great if Wendy had her own realm again. Which would mean we could watch her more often and every day again. More than just a few hours with Henry. I think it’s a shame that she’s not there so often, so her name has been dropped from the title again. I really thought Wendy could become a permanent fixture on VHTV again.
Nevertheless, I really enjoy seeing her again from time to time. Especially when she’s involved in some action.
That shower cabin has some great noise cancelling effect.