Henry (Part 3)

Do we think that Jutta is a willing participant?? IMO she is either pissed or dead tired…it is very clear this could be interpreted as r__e.

@Henry You need to get back to protect Jutta…Alfred thinks that pulling the cover over them changes everything…if you have to slap a woman to wake her it is pretty obvious that she isn’t consenting.

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No kidding, this is borderline r__e.

using a blanket to cover it up, yeah defiantly she didnt want it and he is just taking it from her, wrong in so many ways.

WTF? She is clearly moving. Not as___p at all.

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You are mistaken…she is moving because he is moving her…and shouting in her ear…and tickling her…and slapping her leg to keep her awake…You will notice that he kissed her and she did not respond…and now he has penetrated her and she makes no movement or noise.

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Totally agree she is passed the fuck out. this is not good

Jutta is life less must be borderline r__e if not r__e

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Look at her now…is that the posture of an awake woman??..This is the clearest case of r__e that it has been my misfortune to witness.

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definatly not


Photo shoes nothing…

watch it live
and now he has managed to awaken her

What a load of bollocks people write here. She is awake and smiling…


Agreed, she was p________t, i watched it from the start, she was resisting him.

Some people here might be better off to watch the Disney channel :joy:


I don’t know what your angle is but those of us who have watched the whole thing know that you are talking nonsense…I would ask you , if you were as___p and I stuck my cock up your arse would you wake up?

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Some people have a lot of imagination :rofl:


Look how unhappy she is because he “r__ed” her :joy::joy:


You defiantly need to get your eyes checked dude, your probably that same type of guy that just does what he wants to get a nut.

She will carry this trauma with her for the rest of her life :joy: