She is not coming back here. Maybe an apt of her own but very doubtful.
Would like to be surrounded by the girls who come (cum?) to the apt but sure the smell and cleanliness is there
Notice the change in Jutta??..Don’t remember seeing her walking about without a top on before.
Someone who has talked about love?
yea just look around on some realms made up couples and love in the air… people who used to fuck others now become exclusive love birds… for views
Take it or leave it!
I will take it!
This is the sense of opinion
-Jutta no more exclusive woman will fuck others for sure (this is the loss)
Sibilla has a hard time tolerating Henry (I’ve never kissed an ex who smoked) the smell of tobacco plus ■■■■ must be awful.
She walks away as soon as she can (this is the loss).
ı know her from somewhere
how long before the diehards start commenting that Henry and Mira will be getting back together lol, sorry to burst your bubbles but they are just friends . but hey that wont stop henry from trying for more but think miras willpower is stronger than studleys lol
Eu diria que Mira não parece bem de vida a avaliar pelo aspeto e as roupas que veste.Vestia bem melhor em VH