Jutta is wife number three. Gerda is number two. Guess Mira is still number one.
Wonder how many more waiting to take on the role
Yes, he simply ignored the rules and simply changed his partners several times. And now he has to pay a fine? Or even to the front to do Buze for this nasty rule-breaking. And he damn well hides his d__gs. Laugh kidding.
She may be on vacation, or visiting family
Кто-нибудь знает, куда пропала Мира? Кто-нибудь уже связался с ней? Генри может привлечь столько женщин, сколько захочет, ни одна из них не приблизится к Мире.
Does anyone know where Mira disappeared to? Has anyone contacted her yet? Henry can attract as many women as he wants, none of them will come close to Mira.
All that’s missing is Wendy
wer kann mir sagen wie das Lied um 1:05-1:08 heisst ?
Think Mira is past tense/history now pal.
Is that Shelia?
Could be if Wiki is correct